This 4 day program is devoted to educating the attendee on the art, principles, science, psychology and business of a Certified Interior Stylist®. Four days of class room, lab, hands-on and business building skills. This program's daily outline is determined by the class individual skill and need set. Class size is limited due to program's style.
Set in an interactive training area, this 4 day class is taught school room, hands-on lab, as well as on-location.
Our certification programs are ever changing, kinetic, colorful and multifaceted - just like the world of home interiors. The Interior Stylist Program is ever changing, in-trend, updated and new. All of our programs are conducted in a hands-on learning environment designed for an attendee to gain a deep and “real time” understanding of the techniques, skills and processes of the Certified Interior Stylist®.
4 Day Program Fee is $2500.00
Deposit required to save seat.
See details on site: 4 Day Program