BLOG interiors + staging + lifestyle
The Case of the Crooked Painting 5 Tricks + Tips to Make Hanging Art not a Mystery
Let’s take the mystery out of hanging art. In today’s POST I’ll reveal my 5 favorite tools and tips to hang art properly.
The Case of the Crooked Painting.
I recently read on-line a fellow home stager in dismay over her home staging artwork not hanging properly - it seems the nail she used was dragging down the drywall and causing the piece to end up crooked.
Let's discuss this case starting with some insight.
If your recently hung artwork is dragging down the wall - then you are using the wrong nail on the wall. A key ingredient to hanging art is to make sure you have the right hanger for the weight of art.
Let’s take the mystery out of hanging art. In today’s POST I’ll reveal my 5 favorite tools and tips to hang art properly.
Along with tool bag basics, there are a plethora of amazing new and improved gadgets, tools and picture hanging nails, hooks and products available to you. If you haven’t been to your local home improvement store’s picture hanging section to see them, I’ve made my own favorite list in my Amazon Affiliate Store for you to peruse.
Here are 5 of my favorites from the list:
The Monkey Hook: This “As seen on TV” invention makes hanging any, especially, heavy art a breeze. These picture hanging gadgets look like giant fishing hooks - with a small hook on one end to hang the art, and a curved base that goes into the drywall. You don't need any tools, just poke the sharp end through drywall, turn, and then push the hook until the bottom hook part clicks into place. The curve of the hook distributes the weight behind the wall - They come in multiple sizes up to 50lbs. Perfect for heavy art and hanging mirrors. Best part, they leave only a small hole - perfect for home staging.
A picture hanging tool. My very favorite tool in my tool bag. I have had mine for 24 years. Best used for wired art - The tool is basically a stick-like device with a hook on one end to hold the art - the hook also has a nail on the reverse side of the hook - to mark the spot to add your nail. And on the other end a handle to hang the art for its best position. Super easy to use, extends your arm for a perfect placement for wired, or saw tooth hanger art. Some, even have a built-in level, making it a complete package for art hanging.
Tape Measurer with Fractions. When hanging art, it is key to find its best placement. This requires measuring. To make it easy, and take some of the math out of your calculations - a tape measurer with fractions. No need to count those pesky lines, the tape had those fractions right on them.
Art Bumpers - These plastic rubber sticker discs are perfect to adhere to any art back corner to keep it from becoming unlevel. Daily movement in a home, walking, doors closing create vibration - these bumpers will both protect the wall and also absorb the vibrations to keep your art from moving.
A roll of painters blue tape: Blue tape can be used as a template to mark 2 hangers on a picture back.. Simply cut a long piece of tape, align it on the back, mark the 2 supports, then place the tape on the wall, level and you’re ready to go. The tape too can mark a nail spot, and also in a pinch stand in for those art bumpers to keep a painting secure to a wall.
A few simple tips of good picture hanging.
-Investigating the art/object that will be hung. The 1st step to good art hanging is to investigate the object being hung - Estimate its weight, that will help you determine which type of hook/nail to use. Turn it around to see if it is wired, has nail rings, has a saw tooth hanger, etc. this too will help determine the product you’ll use.
-Take a look at the wall you’d like to hang it on. The golden rule of hanging a picture is to have the center of the picture be at 57 inches This reflects the standard eye-height of the average person, and is used as a standard in most art galleries and museums.
-Next, Investigate the wall it is being hung on. Drywall is easy, but what if you are hanging on old, plaster walls or brick? For plaster walls (which chip easily) a trick is to find your mark, add a square of blue tape, then either use a small drill bit to create a starter hole, or use picture hooks that have nails that go in on an angle. You can all use Velcro type adhesive picture hangers. For brick walls, there are brick clips - some have adjustable clips that adjust to the size of the brick.
In regard to the dismayed fellow home stager with her crooked picture - because of the weight of the picture, she most likely used a single, plain nail to hang it - causing the weight of the picture to drag the nail on the drywall. There may have been two ring hangers on the back to support the load - then she could have easily implemented my blue tape trick to hang the piece, or, if wired, used a weight appropriate Monkey Hook to distribute the weight. Added art bumpers to the corners on the art, and she would of had a properly hung picture that would of held up till the home was sold.
With proper tools, a bit on investigation and good hanging technique anyone can solve the mystery of the Case of the Crooked Picture.
I offer One Day Room Makeover services, which includes a fresh new look for your art. This service is perfect right after the holidays when you are ready for a fresh new look for the new year. This too makes the perfect gift option.
Here’s a link to my Amazon Store for my Art Hanging Essentials. (Please note that I do receive a small % as an affiliate)
To Listen to my Podcast ONLY STAGERS IN THE BUILDING and this episode The Case of the Crooked Painting
Hungry for more tips, ideas and insight - Here’s my calendar of upcoming in-person events: https://www.julea.com/calendar-events or follow me on FB
New Year New Room Re-style - Shake up your space with these post holiday styling ideas
STOP! Before you start shoving your furniture back into its old spots after you’ve packed away your holiday décor, consider this instead -
STOP! Before you start shoving your furniture back into its old spots after you’ve packed away your holiday décor, consider this instead – Why not give your space a new perspective by re-styling things? After all isn’t the New Year all about making changes? And don’t give me the excuse that if you move stuff around what will you do about those carpet divots. Please…
A fresh perspective is a good thing, especially in your home environment.
[1st things first. Start the new year with clearing your home of the past year. Scientists have observed that sage can clear up to 94 percent of airborne bacteria in a space and disinfect the air. The Latin word for sage salvia stems form the word heal. Light an essential oil Sage candle and start the new year with a fresh, cleared space.]
Here are some things you can do to up-style and reinvent your rooms and home spaces.
Move What You Have Around: Start with what you already have. Take a stroll through your home and inventory the furniture you have from attic to garage. Could that consignment shop find desk up in the spare room work as a sofa table or would that rug in the dining room look really nice in the living room? After you do some mental inventory, address the room you want to reinvent. Consider flip flopping the sofas, changing the room's focal point to a different wall or changing the entire feel of the space by swapping pieces from other rooms to make it more formal or casual. If these suggestions are a bit overwhelming to you, our One Day Makeover services can breath a fresh new perspective into your spaces and uncover things you’ve haven’t used in years.
Our One Day Room Makeover services recreate a space in a matter of hours - (Photo: Julea Joseph)
Accessory Re-Styling: Rotate it, archive them or repurpose it! From tabletops to bookcases to wall art, your accessories can always use a new look. The same family photos in the same frame in the same space aren't even seen anymore. Your very favorite piece of art hanging in the dining room isn't being celebrated there - move it to a spot so you can view it all the time. That boring bookcase or China hutch could make your room POP if you rotated and swapped the pieces. Give a lamp a new look with a new shade, harp, finial, or re-style it - by raising it up with a stack of books or painting the base.
Flip your shades. Change out your lamp shades, and/or lamp finials. (PHOTO: One Kings Lane)
Furniture Reinvention: Can you reupholster, slipcover, paint it? If your furniture is good, if you love the lines or it has sentimental value, keep it, and improve it.
We are pros at offering advice on how to reinvent your treasured furniture (PHOTO: Julea Joseph)
Paint Color Up Grade: Once you get your room rearranged, you may want to take the next step and change the paint color as well. If you have had the same color on your walls for years, a new hue can upgrade your furniture, accessories and art. 2023 offers a plethora of amazing trending paint color to choose from. Try just painting an accent wall, or, try a wall of wallpaper.
2023 Paint Colors of the Year (PHOTO: Source/Julea Joseph)
A Few New Purchases: Any room could use a few new things. It could be as simple as a lovely potted plant on your cocktail table, a new fun rug in a bold hue or pattern to take your formal living room from boring to spectacular. A new accent collection in a trending color, or a new piece of furniture to refresh the old. Feel free to shop for a few new items, but only after your room has been re-styled. Consider the new items as the frosting, not the cake.
Refresh a room with a new piece or two - rug. (PHOTO: Amazon)
No time for shopping - Here’s a few examples for you on AMAZON - From a Sage candle to furniture pieces. Julea’s January finds on AMAZON
Don't have the time or talent to do this yourself? Good news, we can help. We're interior arrangement experts, have fabulous ideas on how to give your old stuff a new life and don't even get me started on what we can find with our shopping skills! Give me a jingle, send an email my way and let's talk. We offer both on-location and e-makeover sessions. Let's get your home refreshed, restyled and reinvented. Biz phone: 708-543-8597 M 708-448-7500 B Email: Julea@Julea.com.
WANT TO LEARN MORE? Visit my website for my upcoming workshops, education and training. JULEA’S SPEAKING & EDUCATIONAL OFFERINGS
Oh... and those divots - Add crushed ice to the dent, let melt and then use an old hairbrush to re-fluff your carpet. Refluff again after drying. Divots gone! - JULEA
Spring Things you Can do to Your Home
With these changes you’ll renew your home’s feeling, create new spaces to celebrate, and enjoy the new season both inside and out.
Well it may be snowing in Chicago today, but spring is definitely here. The Easter holiday is behind us, and if you are wondering how to refresh and restyle your home with more than just bunnies and dyed eggs - this post if for you.
The great thing about living in the Midwest is that we get to reinvent our home’s space four times a year as the seasons change. As my design mantra goes “If you change up your home, it changes up you too”. So what spring things can we do to our home?
Give a space a new look with interior arrangement. The sun changes positions seasonally, and your Sunday reading spot that was perfect in winter now is unbearably sunny without the blinds closed. The fireplace that was your cozy cure for the blustery weather, now sits fireless as spring temperatures rise. Try repositioning that chair to a new spot. That move creates a whole new look for your favorite chair and creates the spark for a new room setting. And rather than cozying up to the fireplace - with a bit of furniture moving, you could instead have a window view of birds nesting and flowers blooming. This will give you a new daily respite to sooth your soul.
The design police will not shun you if you find that your dining room hutch that houses Granny’s dusty China works much better as a bookcase or crafts storage hutch in your office. Or the kid’s dresser is the ideal entry piece for that empty wall in your foyer. Be fearless by understanding furniture can be moved and have more than one purpose.
My whole business is based on using what you already have, and I can tell you that after 23 years, you have plenty of accessories. Did you know the average home has 300,000 things in it? Rather than thinking you need to buy new to refresh, think how you can celebrate what is already there.
A lamp can be up-styled by just changing out its shade. Too, by reducing or increasing the harp size (the thing that you put the shade on) you can try a new shade size.
Rotate your art. Create a collection with a few pieces on your mantle (hang one, lean the others) or on your hall walls, Use an easel and display small art pieces on a table, in a bookcase, or just lean them as a back drop.
Art, as well as trays, bowls, vases can be archived, and rotated in or out for the season to bring color, mood, or seasonal spirit to a space. And of course you can reinvent them. Head over to YouTube or Pinterest and be tutored on reimagining old accessories (there are a zillion options).
When I mean big, I don’t mean buy a whole new house big, I mean do something that makes a more permanent change. Paint an accent wall, your pantry door, or a piece of furniture. Wallpaper your foyer, the inside of your China hutch or the front of the drawers of a dresser. Reupholster that Sunday reading chair in your new favorite color (hopefully tangerine). These changes are a bit more permanent, but aren’t too costly, but will bring a big change to the way your home feels.
The best part of spring is that everything seems shiny and new. Snip budding branches and pop them into some of your favorite large floor vases. A container of a spring flowers cheers up any counter or table. Swap out the pinecones in your display bowls for bright green moss covered balls, sport a newly made table terrarium or pop a potted plant under a cloche to celebrate the growing season. Raid your bookcases for all your gardening books for a new display collection on your living room’s coffee table.
With these changes you’ll renew your home’s feeling, create new spaces to celebrate, and enjoy the new season both inside and out.
Need expert and creative advice to shake up your spaces? Want to leave and come home to a whole new space in a day using just what you already have? We do that. Call/Text 708-543-8597 to learn more.
New Year new room re-style - Shake up your space with these post holiday styling ideas
STOP! Before you start shoving your furniture back into its old spots after you’ve packed away your holiday décor, consider this instead -
STOP! Before you start shoving your furniture back into its old spots after you’ve packed away your holiday décor, consider this instead – why not give your space a new perspective by re-styling things? After all isn’t the New Year all about making changes? And don’t give me the excuse that if you move stuff around what will you do about those carpet divots. Please…
A fresh perspective is a good thing, especially in your home environment. Here are some things you can do to up-style and reinvent your rooms and home spaces.
Move What You Have Around: Start with what you already have. Take a stroll through your home and inventory the furniture you have from attic to garage. Could that consignment shop find desk up in the spare room work as a sofa table or would that rug in the dining room look really nice in the living room? After you do some mental inventory, address the room you want to reinvent. Consider flip flopping the sofas, changing the room's focal point to a different wall or changing the entire feel of the space by swapping pieces from other rooms to make it more formal or casual. If these suggestions are a bit overwhelming to you, try swapping out or repositioning smaller pieces such as accent chairs, tables, rugs and lamps.
(PHOTO: Source )
Accessory Re-Styling: Rotate it, archive them or repurpose it! From tabletops to bookcases to wall art, your accessories can always use a new look. The same family photos in the same frame in the same space aren't even seen anymore. Your very favorite piece of art hanging in the dining room isn't being celebrated there - move it to a spot so you can view it all the time. That boring bookcase or China hutch could make your room POP if you rotated and swapped the pieces. Give a lamp a new look with a new shade, harp or style - by raising it up with a stack of books.
(PHOTO: One Kings Lane)
Furniture Reinvention: Can you reupholster, slipcover, paint it? If your furniture is good, if you love the lines or it has sentimental value, keep it and improve it.
(PHOTO: Pinterest)
Paint Color UpGrade: Once you get your room rearranged, you may want to take the next step and change the paint color as well. If you have had the same color on your walls for years, a new hue can upgrade your furniture, accessories and art.
(PHOTO: Colorhouse Paints)
A Few New Purchases: Any room could use a few new things. It could be as simple as a lovely potted plant on your cocktail table to a super shaggy custom rug to take your formal living room from boring to spectacular. Feel free to shop for a few new items, but only after your room has been re-styled. Consider the new items as the frosting, not the cake.
(PHOTO: Source)
Don't have the time or talent to do this yourself? Good news, we can help. We're interior arrangement experts, have fabulous ideas on how to give your old stuff a new life and don't even get me started on what we can find with our shopping skills! Give me a jingle, send an email my way and let's talk. We offer both on-location and e-makeover sessions. Let's get your home refreshed, restyled and reinvented. Biz phone: 708-448-7500 Email: Julea@Julea.com.
Oh... and those divots - Add crushed ice to the dent, let melt and then use an old hairbrush to re-fluff your carpet. Refluff again after drying. Divots gone!