Home Staging Evaluation
90 minute Home Staging Evaluation is the 1st step of getting your home ready to go on the market. With an objective, professional eye, Reinventing Space will walk the property from curbside to back fence. We'll professionally evaluate and make staging enhancements; from perhaps a new paint palette, design projects, furniture layout, what to keep or change - both outside and in to make that home showcase ready. Additional time at 30 minutes intervals.
90 minute Home Staging Evaluation is the 1st step of getting your home ready to go on the market. With an objective, professional eye, Reinventing Space will walk the property from curbside to back fence. We'll professionally evaluate and make staging enhancements; from perhaps a new paint palette, design projects, furniture layout, what to keep or change - both outside and in to make that home showcase ready. Additional time at 30 minutes intervals.
90 minute Home Staging Evaluation is the 1st step of getting your home ready to go on the market. With an objective, professional eye, Reinventing Space will walk the property from curbside to back fence. We'll professionally evaluate and make staging enhancements; from perhaps a new paint palette, design projects, furniture layout, what to keep or change - both outside and in to make that home showcase ready. Additional time at 30 minutes intervals.
If the home is large, add $150 per additional hour. If you'd like a written summary of topics discussed, add $75. (If traveling a distance there is an additional fee for depending on the travel time.)